Monday, December 26, 2011

Ahhh yeah

Just bought troll hunter and cedar rapids! Good day good day!

Friday, December 23, 2011


Follow them!

all the good movies

all seem to be from scandinavia! let the right one in  trollhunter and now rare exports!

heres the trailer that started it!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Weekday wizendary

So tromping through the woods boots make you feel in pervious to everything and oh so warm! But in other news pain is still there four teeth gone and pain killers are good and here's me hooked up to a iv!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

fin stuff

lol so great!

its so hard these days to think dont know but need to make stuuf this break im up to late with four teeth extracted and up on pain killers.

gosh i love um gushers

Thursday, November 17, 2011

alex lukas!

super awesome illustrator and fellow nerd! such awesome and inspirational prolific worker!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

bad lands

so badlands is one of the best films i have seen. hands down. soundtrack awesome. great acting. great filming. great story. great meaning.  such a good feeling from this movie that deals with such hard issues. but also this movie is really hard to find and also is not a criterion film sadly but i did find a nice fake cover! also i watched another film that has the same feeling and idea of badlands but with and older and more art house feel called peirrot le fou. a great film to similar but very different.

also this is the greatest song. featured through out the film so happy and dream like! song is playing on repeat as we speak. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

start new works!

heres some line and ink work for project for a friend....

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011

rainbow city!

i want to go here!  and i want some of those shoes native has such a good advertisement section!! and if you look closly you can see a man wolf shirt!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

graphicly inofrmation

because its just that great 

i wonder if this applys to eryone?? and its relevant because its and info graphic

Sunday, October 16, 2011


i feel like all my ideas might be wrong but oh well  well se much more work to be done i think i did one last year o  hipsters thoo

Friday, October 14, 2011


so much work to be done.... so little time it feels like strange isnt it one moment we feel like we have a ton of time and the other we dont... or its like you know um so we want free time and we wh get it we dont do anything with it and dont know what to do but then when we figure out what to do or what we have to do we dont do it or strees about it its so weird

oh well...

but remember

Monday, September 12, 2011


i always forget to blogg or am to busy! but im up to my eyeballs in work tired and my hands crampin up
but while i do that i found this artist gemma corell and i likes!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

how i want to see this soo bad! this i shall see before i die! ah i just want to see it its has eluded me for so long! it either needs a dvd release or to come to lawrence but please let me see macho tail drop!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

beautiful work! this guy is doing saweet things

in lines

one line peramiter, hmm, maybe this is more like it!

the more you do the more its goes out the door

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

ahhh yeah!

super hero hollywood!

andrea dorfman is a beast

so i turned on the tv and this awesome film was playing about this girl with a big nose it was  all taken as an over head  shoot of her drawing it out and coloring it! it was amazing!

thats her website look at it!

Monday, August 22, 2011

thirsty is the worsty

so heres to a new year and to being productive and imaginative on a whole new level! times have come that desire to be more jam pack with things and to keep on chugging down that monorail track that is life. keep on rollin!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

new comet skateboard graphics!

i either want the fsm mini or just the fsm :D i dont know how well for dancing thoo dancer vid always good

Sunday, April 10, 2011


This is Forever from timothy karpinski on Vimeo.

chairy hair

so the process of my chairs is going well i admit that my gluing has been less then satisfactory and im going to refine my proto type in wood and make another well glue one and then also make one with dowel rods in it. it will be able to hopefully move not like on its own but move. its weird when things move on their own accord like those weird creature scuptures in holland it think that move from wind even though there roughly made out of pipes but yeah.... chair goes well

Monday, March 21, 2011

after the rain spring break

in my dream last night its was justified mixed with the crazies but this cult had taken over the world and they only used knives! apparently i was denzel washington and they wanted my heart and i was once there leader but had no memory of it and then a weird part was that when my wife in the dream gave birth to twins one was mallformed and had no hands because he tried to throw knifes. it just kept on going to! then i was in a shop looking for guns and i got flash bangs and now i was the guy from justified and i was being chased to a house where i had left guns. when me and some girl arrived there we found that they were alll broken and the we had been found by some guy with a bowie knife. action and we fought knocked the knife out o his had and then i killed him some way and then we went to the car and drove and now we had to more kids in the car and they said at there house the had guns and then it turned in to some island and there was some giant complex and aliens. and then i was part of the aliens and then we started getting invaded by other aliens and it was crazy i know at one part later in the dream i was a samurai and im leaving a lot out that i cant like figure out how to word or remember strange! but now i think that its time to maybe go to the high school and work on some design stuff there

Thursday, March 10, 2011

ambient and atmosphere

clicke here to listen to live police radio and then in the back ground ambient music
its weird listening to this you feel like the world is just happening and that some much is happening but yet you remain still listening its strange


makes me think of that one level in the first halo where you first find the flood that was such a crazy level and i still have night mares of the flood. i think it looks really cool you know it would be sweet to hang out at this tree house.(my design and work in sketchup)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

theo jansen crazy awesome
ted talk has it all about creatures that walk on there own and live from tubes

Monday, February 21, 2011

treehouse! sooo cooolll!!!!!!love i cant get the images tho!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

can the world function
with out art? 
heck no 
but what is art?
idk everything if you enjoy it and but time into it i guess

new stuff to post!

i havent posted in along time but im going to post this about a desgin or art group im not sure yet but they have some cool stuff!
go! watch learn!