Thursday, November 17, 2011

alex lukas!

super awesome illustrator and fellow nerd! such awesome and inspirational prolific worker!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

bad lands

so badlands is one of the best films i have seen. hands down. soundtrack awesome. great acting. great filming. great story. great meaning.  such a good feeling from this movie that deals with such hard issues. but also this movie is really hard to find and also is not a criterion film sadly but i did find a nice fake cover! also i watched another film that has the same feeling and idea of badlands but with and older and more art house feel called peirrot le fou. a great film to similar but very different.

also this is the greatest song. featured through out the film so happy and dream like! song is playing on repeat as we speak. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

start new works!

heres some line and ink work for project for a friend....