Monday, March 21, 2011

after the rain spring break

in my dream last night its was justified mixed with the crazies but this cult had taken over the world and they only used knives! apparently i was denzel washington and they wanted my heart and i was once there leader but had no memory of it and then a weird part was that when my wife in the dream gave birth to twins one was mallformed and had no hands because he tried to throw knifes. it just kept on going to! then i was in a shop looking for guns and i got flash bangs and now i was the guy from justified and i was being chased to a house where i had left guns. when me and some girl arrived there we found that they were alll broken and the we had been found by some guy with a bowie knife. action and we fought knocked the knife out o his had and then i killed him some way and then we went to the car and drove and now we had to more kids in the car and they said at there house the had guns and then it turned in to some island and there was some giant complex and aliens. and then i was part of the aliens and then we started getting invaded by other aliens and it was crazy i know at one part later in the dream i was a samurai and im leaving a lot out that i cant like figure out how to word or remember strange! but now i think that its time to maybe go to the high school and work on some design stuff there

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